drabble: "Time travelers at the movies"

Feb 04, 2011 01:20

Title: time travelers at the movies.
Author: Keenir
Summary: Lady Emily has a question for Connor.
Rating: pg
Spoilers: 4.01 & _The King’s Speech_.
word count: 139.

note: earlier parts in this series involved a semi-OC, so I won't post them here. but this part is purely canon characters & can stand on its own.
Location: the local movie theater nearest the ARC:

By the time the movie’s credits had finished showing who had portrayed what role in the film, Connor and Emily and Shannon were the last ones in the theater, aside from the cleaners. And now the three of them walked out as well.

As they looked at the posters for upcoming films, Emily said, “Your girlfriend seems to have slipped away.”

She went to the loo - her words. “She’s not my girlfriend,” Connor said.

“Is that so?” Emily asked, sliding up closer to him. “But could you answer me a little thing?”

“I can try.”

“In the movie, what was all the fuss over the regnal name Albert being too Germanic?”

“Umm…” Connor said, trying to think how to best explain the Nazis in five minutes or less.


character: connor, genre: gen, character: need new tag, fanfic, author: rodlox

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