Aug 23, 2006 13:42

Awwwww shit the King of Comics Fighting tournament!

Big Adam:
Ultima Charge: (hold back,forward+P) 2-Hit Close-line
Ultima Pounce: (hold back,forward+K) 2-hit Should Block
Ultima Rise: (charge down,up+P) 1 hit rising shoulder block
Ultima Rush: (Charge back, downforward+P) Rush forward 6-hit combo (Air juggles)
Oversouled: (Special) 360+PPP 12-hit multiple suplex finishing close-line
Big Potato Wave: (Special) (hold back,forward+PPP) Triple shockwave 3-hit
Level: Raceway Speedway rally.

Alpha Wave: (QCF+P) 4-Hit Fireball
Knuckle Game: (QCF+K) 3-Hit (Rush combo leads into air juggle)
Alpha Sign: (QCB+K) 5-Hit (Rush Kick Combo, sweeps in the end)
Alpha Buster: (QCB+P) 3-Hit (Rush Elbow Combo leads into air juggle)
The Couch: (Charge Back,forward+P) 2-Hit Couch projectile.
Final One: (Special) 360+PPP 2-Hit Throw (75% Damage)
The Ending: (QCF+Select)(Special) 100-Hit Charging up Taunt does no damage.
Level: Primes mansion with 20-foot statues of himself.

Lucky 7: (QCF+P) Dice toss. (Depending on how many buttons hit depends Hits
Hat Strike: (QCF+K) 2-Hit Projectile Hat Toss
Zombie Stike: (hold back,forward+P) Charging Punch (bounces off wall for air juggle)
Absolute Annoyance: (Special) (QCF+PPP) Rush combo that hits from all angles.
Sold His Soul: (Special) PPP+KKK (Random: Full Heal, Double Damage, or Instant Kill)
Level: Grocery Store.

Invincible Nipples: (QCF+P) Speed Increase
Fan Of Norton: (QCF+K) Summons Edward Norton from fight Club to fight with him.
Fan Of Kevin: (QCB+P) Summons Kevin Smith from Mall Rats to fight with him.
Fan Of Link: (QCB+K) Summons Link from Zelda to fight with him
Drunken Dav: (Charge back,downforward+P) Defense increase.
Have you seen the Deleted scenes: (Special) LP,LP,HP,HK,LK. (Screen goes back 10Hit combo 5 girls on the screen when screen clears. Instant Kill.)
Level: Stage Play

Off Balance Soda: (QCF+P) Projectile Soda Bottle. Random direction.
Cower: (QCB+P) Protective Shield. Defense Bonus.
TiVo Reverse: (Charge Back,Forward+P) 3xKaties appear rush combo.
TiVo Flash: (Charge back,Forward+K) 3xKaties appear upward ark combo. (Can be done in midair)
TiVo Goddess:(Special) (QCFx2+PPP) Rush Forward, Time stop. Combo hits for x3 hits when complete.
Level: Best Buy DvD area.

Bottom Lip Trip: (Charge back, forward+P) 2-hit sweep with Lip. (Air juggle)
Consumption: (360+P) Throw (Eats opponent spits them at wall, Starts air Juggle, Can be done in air)
Raspy Breath: (Charge back, foward+K) Rush combo 2-Hit. Does 10% self damage, Dizzy to opponent.
Fake Pain: (QCF+P) 2-Hit regen after 2nd hit.
Gittyboizisibyday: (LP,LP,LK,HP) 10-Hit combo, End hit is a shout air-juggle.
Bigbaltybeef: (LP,LP,LK,HP,HK) 10-Hit combo end hit is throw leads into air-juggle.
Level: Wal-Mart.

30-Year Assault: (QCF+P) Rush Combo. (Ends in creepy laugh taunt.)
Heavenly Paladin Like Good Attack: (QCF+K) Rush Combo. (Air juggle)
Old Man Sweater: (PPP+KKK) Defense Bonus.
Warm Milk: (QCB+P) 2-Hit (Troy falls asleep if missed)
The D.R: (QCFx2+PPP) (Special) Summons 20 small children. 20-Hit (Throw)
The Manboy: (QCF+KKK) DEF,POWER,SPEED bonus. Last 10 seconds.
Level: In front of HS with Children Cheering.

Lil A:
Chains of Emo: (QCF+P) Throw 2-Hit.
Steel Shoes Emo: (QCF+K) 2-Hit Rush.
SAM!!!! (QCF+PPP) 10-Hit Rush.
Goggles of Emo: (QCFx2+P) 3-Hit Air combo.
Whats Wrong with these Dice: (QCB+K) Rush Throw. Misses 10-hit. does no damage. Stuns Lil A.
Summon My People: (QCF+PPP)(Special) Emo Children Jump opponent. 20-Hit.
Tears of Pain: (QCB+PPP) (Special) Summons Tolo to cry. 10 Hit area hit juggle.
Level: Clarkbars Basement.

Joe Clark GO!: (QCF+P) Joe Clark Slams across the screen.
Steph Clark GO!: (QCF+K) Steph Throws purses on screen .
Stab You: (Charge back,forward+P) Throw 2-Hit.
Rage of Bar: (QCF+PPP) Opponent changes into Kate and takes 3x damage from attacks.
Snakes on a Mutherfucker: (QCF+KKK) Summons Sam Jackson with 20 Snakes. 20-Hit.
Level: Dark Carnival Concert

Boyles Guns: (QCF+P) 10-Hit. Machine gun.
Boyles Rage: (QCF+K) 3-Hit. Throws 3 Chairs, air-juggles.
Boyles Teleport (PPP) Teleport behind opponent.
One for the Road: (KKK) Regen Hit Point.
I will Kill you all: (QCF+P) 20-Hit. Summons weapons of mass destruction.
Level: Rooftop of Mall.
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