Oct 07, 2004 08:05
01. Tell me something obvious about you. I have eyes.
02. Tell me something about you that many don't know. How am I supposed to know what you don't know about me?
03. What is your biggest fear? Pain.
04. Do you normally go the safe route, or take the short cut? Normally the safe route unless I know for certain that the short cut won't take me an hour longer than the safe route.
05. Name one thing you want that you can't buy with money. I have to agree with Pakachu and say,"a quality G[irl]F[riend]."
06. What is your most treasured possession? I would have to guess, my reproductive organs.
07. What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often? Again, I have to agree with Pakachu and say,"Lie."
08. Tell me something sexually about you that I don't know. I'm very gentle, tender, and sensual.
09. Tell me something sexually about you that everyone knows. I don't know, most people don't like to think about me, and sex, at the same time, and some can't at all.
10. What is your favorite lie to tell? I plead the fifth.
11. Name something you've done once that you can't wait to do again. Nothing comes to mind.
12. Are you the jealous type? Oddly enough, only when I should be jealous.
13. What is the one person, place, and/or thing you can't say no to? I'll answer that when I find out for sure what that is.
14. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? Offered to have sex; they did so because they wanted to make me feel better about a break up. I graciously declined the offer.
15. If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be? Say,"yes."
16. When was the last time you cried? I think it was about a month ago; maybe less.
17. When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered? Shortly before February 2, 2004.
18. Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on? Hell no! How could I ever be comfortable blinding people?
19. Name something embarrassing you did while being drunk. And yet again, I have to agree with Pakachu and say,"I've never got drunk enough to do stuff that stupid... well, nothing that I remember...^___^()."
20. If you post this in your journal would you like me to answer it? Damn skippy!