Title: Surprise Me
Author: Ras Elased
Spoilers: Progeny and The Real World
Summary: “It’s official! You are a suicidal idiot!” Post-Progeny and TRW, McShep
Rating: PG-ish
Words: ~3900
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate, from which I have borrowed the characters, setting, and some dialogue. I also don’t own Dawson’s Creek or the Mardi Gras reference, which was blatantly stolen from another fic. I don’t own MIT, Clerks, or The Matrix, either. I’m just writing for entertainment, no profit and no infringement intended.
A/N and further disclaimers: I’ve used a lot of dialogue from Progeny, and I also changed up the John/Rodney bits a little through their actions in the episode, but only a little. To whoever first wrote about John’s “experience” at Mardi Gras (via Dawson’s Creek, of all things), I have forgotten who you are, but I absolutely love you, and I’ve blatantly stolen the Mardi Gras reference for this fic, so if you tell me who you are I’ll give you proper credit in the disclaimer. Also, “Já jsem ani trochu domnělý být tu dnes!” is really, really bad Czech for “I’m not even supposed to be here today!” from the movie Clerks. If someone is more fluent in Czech than I (since all I did was use an online Czech dictionary for translation) then please let me know, and I’ll correct it and give you credit. Also, I’m pretty sure the hacks on the Great Dome at MIT started after John would have been there, but this is my reality, I can do what I want with it. ;)
Acknowledgements: Thanks to my superbeta,
triple7lies, for using her powers for good and not evil. A true hero cannot stand aside and watch as innocent bystanders and the English language get slaughtered. ;) And also thanks for just generally putting up with me and letting me whine. She’s awesome, and any non-awesomeness is therefore my own.
John Sheppard didn't like surprises. )