[Achtung: Photography class]

Apr 24, 2007 09:04

There is a note taped to the door of the photography classroom.

All photography classes are cancelled until next Monday, due to unforseeable circumstances. In the meantime, please take one camera from the box. Your assigment, due Monday, is as follows:

Have you ever written an essay describing yourself? Using images instead of words, provide 5-10 photographs that illustrate yourself. Who you are, what you like, things you do, who you want to be, what you find important. The sky's the limit, if you let it be.

- good exploring,
Mr. Grey

If anyone looks past the note and through the glass on the door, they'll see that the classroom looks as if a tornado hit it. This is not far from the truth..

On the floor right beside the door to the classroom is a cardboard box. Inside are digital cameras, each with a student's name printed on the side. There are extra batteries and memory cards with each one.

open, gabriel, misc

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