May 18, 2005 13:54
so life has been suprisingly good as of late. the last couple weeks i've been on some other level shit, mentally. happy as shit with where i am, where i'm going, what i'm doing etc. figuring things out for a post-college life is actually way easier than i ever imagined. maybe that's because i've been dwelling on it since i was 18.
i'm going to take the amtrak out to eugene, oregon some time in late july. of all the places i could throw myself into, it seems like right now that is the best of the best. basically i'm going to go out there and check it out. go hiking, wander around eugene on foot and bike, hit up some bars, check out some shows, hang out at some parks, hopefully meet some cool people, check out museums and other interesting places, spend some time in spingfield, oregon (eugene's version of moorhead), and just try to get a feel for what the legend known as eugene really is. hopefully someone burns a S.U.V. dealership to the ground while i'm out there. that would be awesome.
a couple people have expressed interest in the idea of "leaving the system" and moving out to the middle of nowhere, producing your own food, electricity and water. we're going to start sharing ideas and theories about how to actually accomplish this in today's world. so that should be interesting and helpful.
i could go on and on and on about friends, crushes, my family, the weather, etc. but i need to leave on this note:
on this saturday, may 21st, the bar known as "ralph's corner" will cease to exist as we know it. i've seen many a good show there, drank many a good beer there, smoked many a good bud there, and had way too many ciagrettes.
ralph's is, personally, the best bar in the upper midwest. better than any bar in minneapolis. you can do pretty much anything you fucking want at ralph's. as long as you don't fight, it's all good. ALL good.
and that's because the people that hang out at ralph's are, for the most part, totally kick ass. i've had more awesome conversations there than anywhere, ever. not to mention all the kick ass shows i've seen there. seriously, the place cant be touched. but now it's dead.
it's dead.
on this saturday, may 21st, i won't be going to ralph's for the last "last call". instead, i'll be the one and only master of mother fucking ceremonies at this piece of shit city's first ever all jungle/drum and bass show.
but it's more than a show; it's 16 hours of the music that has saved my life time and time and time and time and however many times i feel like typing time again, again. read this sentence over and over until you understand it.
ralph's is dead. rest in peace.
jungle is alive and well in this city, more than i could have ever dreamed. and that's the only thing that is going to keep me here. so when i hear people say that they're moving because ralph's is closing... i hear ya. i would be too, if the jungle scene here wasn't as good as it is. and it's not that good, but it's more than good enough for me.