Title: Distance Pairing: TaNaka Rating: PG:15 Warnings: sex Disclaimer: I do not own KAT-TUN and this is not of the truth. Summary: After finishing up a PV shoot, Koki has a night he never would have expected. ( distance )
of course i like it... TaNaka is my heaven on earth..
about the sequel.. i don't mind if it's happy o sad... it's just that i can't be at peace when things are left hanging... but the decision is still up to you... i love your fics however you make them...
but i will definitely wait for the sequel... ~chu and hugs~
Don't cry! Sorry it was so sad. I really didn't intend it to be but it sort of just came out that way XD I blame it on being ill and listening to sad songs as I write. I promise the next one will be a lot happier. ^^
Hmm... I never really thought about what could happen after this. And I tend to like endings that leave things hanging! Seems not many other people do though. I'll keep it in my head and if I come up with something good I shall write a second part.
That was a great story, I hope you will write a sequel. Well, I think it wasn't so sad, but maybe it's me who doesn't feel in this way.... I was surprised of Marus movement. I hope they will be get their happy ending.
Thank you very much ^^ With everyone asking I probably will go ahead and do a sequel. XD
No, It's not just you. I understand what you mean. I didn't really think there was more than an undertone of sadness to it. I figured it was probably 'cause I wrote it though.
I wanted to make Maru's movement's surprising but I think they may have come a bit too much out of the blue =(
Comments 16
so later when i get home... i'll read this again and cry as much as i want...
and i'm wishing for a sequel...pretty please... *puppy eyes*
i so love you for this...
I will think about writing a sequel. I've not really sure what happens after this so if I manage to come with something good I'll write one then.
And I'm glad you like ^^
about the sequel.. i don't mind if it's happy o sad... it's just that i can't be at peace when things are left hanging... but the decision is still up to you... i love your fics however you make them...
but i will definitely wait for the sequel... ~chu and hugs~
I'm so used to reading fluffy TaNaka fics...I wanna cry now...*goes to cry in the corner*
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I'll keep it in my head and if I come up with something good I shall write a second part.
Well, I think it wasn't so sad, but maybe it's me who doesn't feel in this way.... I was surprised of Marus movement. I hope they will be get their happy ending.
No, It's not just you. I understand what you mean. I didn't really think there was more than an undertone of sadness to it. I figured it was probably 'cause I wrote it though.
I wanted to make Maru's movement's surprising but I think they may have come a bit too much out of the blue =(
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