Jun 09, 2006 23:42
my life since school ended has consisted of:
prom. afterprom. block party. history project. last jsa meeting ever. senior retreat. claremont. ice cream. tailor. movies. graduation party. errands. errands. spanish project. illness. build-a-bear. cicero's. natasha's. walk. stars. spanish presentations. haircut. sarah-julie-christina-jj-lauren sleepover. awards ceremony. dance award. picnic. graduation rehearsal. the-n.
between now and tuesday, my life will consist of:
a big fucking concert. birthday celebration. graduation. dinner with lots of family. something. shopping. middle school reunion.
and tuesday we leave for europe.
my life has been busy as all hell. i am tired but won't pack or sleep. it's been anticlimatic.
i think i might have like some actual weird problem. why on earth is it such a big deal when a minor, unimportant plan gets changed? i came home tonight and offered to pick up my brother when he called. so it was set. i got the phone and put it in my room and was all ready to go. i was looking forward to it...i don't know why. then he got dropped off at home and i am in a terrible mood. like terrible.
teachers kind of suck at writing in yearbooks.