Deliberate Discovery; Daily Growth & Experiential Unfolding

Aug 16, 2008 09:18

Learning a new skill, developing artistic abilities, creating musical aptitude, encouraging a healthy lifestyle, engaging in a process of self-discovery or unlearning of habitual traits all face one common obstacle; expectation. The endeavor to learn anything new, from mundane abilities to practices of spiritual relationship, is greatly accelerated with daily discipline, enjoyment of what is being learned, and coming to a healthy relationship with what is being engaged in.

Expectations hinder the growth curve because in not meeting the expectations, a person becomes frustrated, angry, and squanders their resources in negative feelings and cyclical thought rather than directing all of the energy into the process of discovery.

All processes of learning are exceptionally private and individual.

  • Holistic vision gives the dream and desire a form to follow. A person who has no vision will want to learn something, yet remain unable to direct their energies and resources effectively. Vision is like the banks of a river that guides water, without which the water would just be a inert puddle. A person has to know and feel what it is they will master before anything else can happen.

  • Forgetting is an essential tool to learning. One has to forget the dislike of learning discovered in schools, to let go of the beliefs about how learning should happen, to drop to demands that learning should be easy and provide immediate gratification. Unlearning old patterns allows creative expansion of vision, the infinite potential of the human being is unleashed with forgetting. Yet, without questioning habitual patterns of thought and action, one receives only old results, and often times becomes discouraged because expectations are not being met. Being a quitter never feels good, a heart felt vision must be realized.

  • Daily discipline is the action that affirms the vision. Without action, all vision remains a simple dream, ephemeral, wispy, and having no substance. Discipline takes a person from day dreams into discovery, and by practicing every day the skill, trait, or knowledge a person wants to master, there is realization of the dream. Action that is erratic remains ineffective, yet through deliberate daily practice a person is able to see, first hand, the vision become substantial. This builds momentum that becomes unstoppable, which is necessary for the inevitable periods of frustration and inhibitions to learning which must arise.

    Learning always remains both easy and difficult, sometimes the subtle aspects of what is being mastered are immediately picked up. The expectation that learning must always be easy is the first expectation to forget. It isn't always easy, and there will be friction. Learning is a process of discovering the unknown, of making the unavailable available, of incorporating mystery into tangible results. The walls of resistance encountered in the learning process are a potential gold mine if a person keeps going.

  • Tenacious perseverance provides the power to move forward, even though one experiences frustration and inhibitions. Full realization of a dream or vision demands endurance, the weak always fail, the strong always endure and ensure success. If being a virtuoso were easy, the world would be full of them. Instead, we have a bumper crop of couch potatoes whose only legacy will be dreams of greatness. Endurance is the trait of mastery.

  • Love remains the fuel for learning. We can learn anything we want, achieve any result, yet such an approach only remains in the realm of knowledge. Love pushes all boundaries, integrating the heart, mind and soul and providing results beyond imagination. Without love, whatever is being learned remains distant and cold, yet with love one becomes the embodiment of their hearts-expression.

    Consider these examples:

    A child wishes to learn piano because somebody else says that they should. It isn't what the child would like to learn, but they do so because it is requested of them. There is no heart in it, so the knowledge of piano playing remains inaccessible because there isn't any real interest. The discipline required to develop the ability remains absent. Though this child could be forced to persevere and become a talented piano player, the musical expression would remain clinical and only express technical aptitude.

    A child wishes to learn to draw because they find themselves doing it anyways. A parent notices this child scribbling all over the place, there is obvious enjoyment of this skill. Having the child learn to draw is easy, they are already doing it, coming to an understanding of the intricate technical aspects of drawing is a natural next step. As time passes, this child becomes masterful at expressing their love through the artform of drawing, bringing into existence amazing artwork that moves the soul.

    An adult wants to learn how to meditate, speak a new language, play an instrument, cook, be healthy. This adult has had bad experiences in school, and cannot get over the belief that learning has to be difficult, strenuous and painful. Though they dream, they cannot believe that learning can be enjoyable, and never take action. This person dies, unfulfilled, never daring to act upon their dream.

    Another adult wishes to learn the same types of things, and also had bad experiences in school. Every person learns differently. Yet, this person is willing to try, and takes action. They start at the beginning, and though it is difficult at first, as this person progresses they observe how they learn and do more of what works for them. In other words, this person unlearns the old habits and beliefs about self-education, and discovers a new realm within themselves. Though the trait may be difficult to encourage at first, as aptitude and ability develops, love also blossoms. The initial resistances and difficulties that were encountered become incorporated into what is learned. This person is fulfilled in simply learning and expressing their talent, and learns to give it in a way that benefits everybody.

    In being able to learn, life remains fulfilling. Growth in one area of life is growth in all areas of life, for the soul is nurtured and joy abounds in self-discovery.

    What kind of example do you set?

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