When was the last time you cried? In California, when John showed up. I’m so lame.
Have you ever faked sick? Probably…I can’t remember but I’m sure I have.
What was the last lie you said? Haha, what the heck.
Have you ever cried during a movie? Of course. I’m a chick.
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? :)
Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes!
Have you ever been drunk? Yeah.
Have you ever tried drugs? No.
Do you smoke? No.
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? I have nooo idea.
What is your full name? Sarah Christine Keay.
What is your blood type? I don’t know.
Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes.
How old were you when you received your first kiss? Haha, seventeen.
Have you ever had an online relationship? No.
Have you ever had phone sex? No.
Have you ever been rejected by a crush? Of course.
What is your favorite sport to play? Swim/dive.
Have you ever made a prank phone call? Yesss.
Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it? The only time I can think of was saying it and not quite understanding why I was
saying it (this was a lonnnnnng time ago)
What's your favorite childhood memory? Being carefree.
Is there anything you have done that you regret? Sure.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Don’t ask me this PLEAAASE.
What is your political affiliation? Moderate.
Have you ever had cybersex? Noo.
Do you believe in God? Yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Lust at first sight.
Do you believe in karma? Ehh.
Who was your first crush? Michael Fitz.
Who do you have a crush on? I hate everyone.
How would you describe yourself? Impatient and weiiird.
What are you afraid of? Losing my voice.
Are you religious? I try.
What does your screen name mean? Haha, long story.
What person do you trust the most? John.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Matt Yorgey!
What is the best compliment you have ever received? Singing things. It’s cool, but really awkward.
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? Either that they are disappointed in me, or that I’m being selfish.
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? Current.
What is your greatest strength? Compassion.
What is your greatest weakness? Anger.
What is your perfect pizza? Cheese & black olives. It’s how I flow.
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning? Pee, then meds.
What is your first thought before you go to bed? It definitely varies.
What college do you want to go to? I am about to go to Seattle Pacific University.
Do you get along with your family? Some of them.
Do you play any instruments? I know some basic piano and guitar, but that’s about it.
What kind of music do you like? EVERYTHING. Don’t think I’m lying.
Do you think you're attractive? Not really.
Would you ever get a tattoo? Yes.
How many piercings do you have? 2.1. The 1 is from when I had my cartilage done but it closed up. I know, though, that there’s a small hole there still. So. 2.1. The 2 is for my ears..
Who makes you laugh? Pretty much anyone who likes stupid humor.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? Bob Barker! Come on, people.
Have you ever seen a dead body? Wow. I don’t think I have.
Do you have a celebrity crush? Noo.
What is one things scientists should invent? Mmm. I’ll get back to you on that, except that I won’t.
Have you ever broken a bone? Noope.
What happens after you die? Heaven or hell.
Do you watch or read the news? As much as I can, yes.
What stereotype would you label yourself as? I don’t.
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label? Yes.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Lata Mangeshkar.
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? When I was six.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? I think I am the way I am for a reason. I don’t want to screw that up.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nah.
Have you ever played strip poker? Nope.
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themself? I think we all have at one point or another...or maybe not lie, but more over exaggerate to make things seem smooth.
What do you want your friends to think about you? Loyal.
What's the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? I’ve been in many.
Have you ever bitten someone? Sure!
When's your birthday? December 7th, 1986.
Have you ever stolen anything? Nope.
Do you make wishes on shooting stars? Of course.
What's the most you've ever eaten in one sitting? Hahahahahhahaha.
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? Whoa. That’d be cool. But I don’t know, there are too many.
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes.
Have you ever been in love? YES.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night. I’m working on the whole ‘morning’ thing, though. I’m getting better, I promise.
Do you have any phobias? Not really, I don’t think.
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? I’m not a very mean person…no comment.
Have you ever been to the hospital (other than birth)? Yep.
How many screen names do you have? A bunch that I can’t remember. But I use just one.
Do any medical problems run in your family? Diabetes, cancer, heart problems, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis.
Has anyone ever been disowned by your family? Not yet, haha.
Have you ever had a nightmare? Of course.
Do you say meaner things to your friends than to your enemies? What kind of question is this? Hahaha.
Would you ever participate in a threesome? Nooo.
Would you ever pay for a prostitute? No!
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone? Of course!
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? No.
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Yes.
Have you ever written a love letter? Ehh, love letter. Sure.
Have you ever attempted suicide? No.
Do you prefer boxers or briefs? I personally wear briefs. Girly briefs.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Not really.
Do you have any hidden talents? Maybe.
What is one thing you want me to know about you? I am so bored.
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? Can I whistle? (I can’t; shut up)
Do you usually prefer books or movies? Both.
Who is your favorite person to talk to? Bob from work. Old work.
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? Cody. Even though I hate him.
Would you ever have sex before marriage? I don’t know.
Who do you talk to most on the phone? Jen.
Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of? I don’t think so.
Do you prefer British or American spellings of words? Ooh. British ways are so exciting.
Have you ever gotten detention? Yes.
How do you vent your anger? Ooh.
Have you ever been on a diet? Yes.
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Sure.
Older than you? Yess.
Is your best friend a virgin? I’ve got a lot of ‘best’ friends..
What's a rumor someone has spread about you? I have no idea.
What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself doing? Hahahahahahhaa. Being Bob Barker’s sex kitten.
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? Hm.
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? People have been so kind throughout my life.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? Yes.
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose? Yes.
Have you ever wanted to murder someone? No! Ooh, that’s crazy..
Have you ever hated someone? No; strongly dislike, maybe.
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? Both have their own credibility.
Do you consider yourself to be popular? Oh, I don’t know. I hope not..
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? Why not?
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy? Huh? No..
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? No.
What is your favorite book? I don’t feel like thinking.
Do you have a collection of anything? No.
Are you happy with the person you are becoming? I think so..
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? Duh.
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? Oh snap. Hopefully not living in the US, but we’ll see.
Are you happy with the life you have? Yes, very much so.