stained glass is...beautiful..

Jul 05, 2005 13:03

Californiiia, Californiiia, here we cooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmme..

Mhmmm. Tomorrow morning: 8 am. Pavement.

First night, we are staying in Grant's Pass at Courtney's gma's house. Next day we drive to San Fran. Stay there a couple of days, then down to San Diego. Word. Then back home.

I know that's a rough estimate, but that's what I get for not being at the last planning meeting thing. That's all I know. That's all I really need to know. What started out as a joked-about, silly little half-brain dream is now a reality..

..oh yes ladies, we're going to Cali.

Many pictures are bouts to be taken, count on THAT, Bosun.
Have an incredible 8 days or so.
If you need to get ahold, the phone will be on and off.

Enjoy every moment; you're alive.
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