An Update From Beyond...

May 27, 2005 18:01

Well... I have not died. I am here and kickin' and smashin' and working really hard and impressing the local ladies with my manly muscles (It's not my fault if the other guys i work with have poor genetic blueprints to work from). In other words I'm living/working at Aloha and there is no way whatsoever that i can be contacted... unless you're Faye. Only she knows. Email will have to do for everyone else.

As for the show. I have heard tale that people think i quite because i didn't get a lead. This is bullshit. I would have quite if i DID get a lead primarily because i cannot handle that type of role while working fulltime at a summer camp. Pirates of Penzanse was hell for me. As it is I can't seem to make it to rehersals anyway so instead of stressing out about rides to and from Lake Morey I dropped the show. I wanted to do that show more than anyone else, so tell Hetty i miss her and don't give me crap.

Am i allowed to love my mum? Sure. My aunts and Uncles? Of course. My Grandparents? Deffinitely. If I'm allowed (and required by society) to love my family then why can i not love my girlfriend? Next person to groan in my presance when i tell her i love her gets socked in the shoulder. Hard.

I miss Mordheim. I miss Ninja Turtles. I miss singing in the yurt. I miss Triple Play. I miss all my friends. I miss my girl (MY girl for all you lesser staggs out there). I miss the concept of being lazy. I miss Jesse. I miss kissing. Give me lots of kiss.
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