The Wall Street Journal editorial page has managed to sink to a new low, and has produced perhaps
the stupidest editorial I have ever read in a newspaper published by anyone other than a local high school. It is a stunning combination of fearmongering, cheap neocon word play, cheaper invocations of fascism and the kind of denialism which is a Valentine card to corporate interests. Add in a bit of 'look at what those horrible foreigners are doing', and it's yellow journalism at its finest, discussing a proposed and sure to be defeated plan for rationing carbon emissions in the UK. Bone appetite.
War-time-like energy rations are a clear illustration of the extent to which environmentalists hope to control every aspect of modern life. Do you really want to blow much of your annual "ration" on that long carbon-spewing jet flight to Florida, or should you swap that summer AC for weekend drives in the country?
The global warmists want you to sacrifice for their cause. And the duration of their war on carbon will make the decade-and-a-half of British rationing during and after World War II seem like a fleeting moment.
Global warmists?!?! Really, gentlemen? Really? I mean, points for crafting such an ugly word for your opponents which manages to invoke a crazy religious cult, atheists, Marxists and all your other failed boogymen. But this is what you have left now? Environmentalism as an affront to personal freedom and a Trojan horse for fascism?
If there is anyone left in the media suited to lecture anyone about affronts to personal freedom, you are not them.
Link - Wall Street Journal