Twenty-second Card || Video/Action for Cianwood

Jun 10, 2011 02:51

[ Asuka isn't one to brag, though after a particularly difficult fight with Chuck, she doesn't seem to have any trouble turning the 'gear on to let the network know. ]

The strategizing really does increase phenomenally as you go on, and with the levels... well, this makes the sixth.

[ aww yeah, look at that shiny Storm Badge. ] Everyone did wonderfully, but before I go any further, I'd wanted to ask the network at large-- is anyone else encountering these--

[ suddenly, a dark flash! A squawk! A squeak!

And Asuka's face slowly transforms to "Inquisitive Duelist Face" to "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED", because not only is she not holding a badge, but there's a Murkrow winging off with the badge in its beak and Croissant in its talons. ]


[ she's hurrying in that direction, as the Murkrow hasn't achieved maximum height yet-- oh, and that strangled noise that sounds like the unholy love child of a turkey and a cheese grater?

That would be the Murkrow being smart and CHOKING ON THE BADGE. ]

... Excuse me. I'll ask again later.

[ and this is Asuka's Game Face. Video replies will come after the chase scene has ended and the bird has been saved from Death by Badge. ]

fighting without trading cards, never a dull moment, now is not the time, cianwood, never piss off asuka, dammit croissant, get out da way, every moment is a duelist moment, goddamn birds, putting the dysfunctional in team

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