Eleventh Card || Video/Action

Oct 30, 2010 16:24

[ My, what a beautiful day it is! The clouds are stagnant, the birds sound like they're choking on gobstoppers, the trees look as though Picasso took a brush to the landscape, and one travel group is making their way through Ilex forest!

Asuka doesn't realize the Pokégear's recording, having decided to keep it close in case it was needed, so you people get a lovely view of... her non-pixelated chest. She also seems to be conversing with somebody. ... Or being confused by somebody, really. ]

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A-- Ah! The gear doesn't have start or select.

... Hayate-kun, if you're feeling feverish again, that... very odd-looking tree might offer some shade. Or maybe not. [ since the trees aren't even casting a shadow. ]

--eh? Oh, no, no, I'm fine! I'm just trying to enter a cheat code.

A-- I'm sorry, a what? [ Asuka sounds baffled. Hayate happily launches into an explanation, and from the silence on her end, it's obvious he's lost her. ]

A cheat code. Since we've converted to full on 8-bit video game graphics, complete with bugged enemies, it's a safe bet to assume we can use it to our advantage! I could use the extra lives.

I... see. From that expression of yours, it doesn't look as though you've managed to find a code that's worked yet... not to mention, if we ourselves haven't been 'converted', would that even work?

Ah... Well... There's always having an effect on our Pokemon! Wouldn't it be cool if Hina suddenly had max HP if I entered the right code?

[ LONG silence, as if Asuka is pondering something she's almost afraid to mention. When she speaks, her voice is somewhat flat. ]... And your Tentacruel suddenly having max HP?

... ... ... Right! Back to dealing with unruly pixels, Asuka-san! Forward march!

[ there's a sigh and a small murmur of "Unruly pixels..." and another noise of surprise before the feed shuts off. ]

((ooc: Asuka and Hayate will be tagging separately, and party members are more than welcome to jump around too.))

silly gamers, ilex forest, hayate's angels, cheat codes don't work, unruly pixels

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