Tenth Card || Video/Action for anyone in/near Azalea

Oct 23, 2010 17:28

[ Someone is not remarking on the weather, even if she's noticed that something's rather off about it. Instead, she's just outside of Azalea and working with her lower-leveled Pokémon. Namely her Sandshrew, who's since gotten better, but has now picked up the habit of curling into a ball when she's scared until Asuka picks her up. She doesn't ( Read more... )

fighting without trading cards, motivational speech time, every moment is a duelist moment, putting the dysfunctional in team, route 33

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[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 00:42:01 UTC
...I really hate this stale air.

[Remarked to no one in particular, even though Yubel is right beside him to hear it. Juudai is checking his gear, and notices Asuka is in a very similar-looking area. So he is kind of subtly heading in that direction!

...Subtly. Totally subtly. Until he runs into Asuka.]



[action] primaduelerina October 24 2010, 00:45:16 UTC
J-- [ whoa, what the exuberant friend. She's lowering her Sandshrew to the ground to keep her out of the way. ] Juudai! When did you get here?


[action] thenameoflove October 24 2010, 00:52:15 UTC
[Yubel strolls along behind Juudai, a bit amused. Juudai, subtle? Never in her experience. She eyes the girl a little; no threat to her but this is the first time they've really met face to face. Juudai will want her to be nice. She'll try. For him.]


[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 00:56:42 UTC
We got here, uh... a few days ago. We rode Flare down Route 32 and then got through Union Cave on foot. Really helps to have a Pokemon that fast, though, hehe!

Hey, I got my first badge, after putting it off for so long! [He digs it out of his bag and twirls it in his fingers proudly.] I've gotta see about getting the second one soon, too.


[action] primaduelerina October 24 2010, 01:02:25 UTC
Congratulations! I'm sorry I missed it, though.

[ Asuka takes a closer look at the girl following her friend, a little surprised at first when she remembers who this is. And then she'll step forward and offer a hand with a warm smile. ]

Hello, Yubel. I didn't think I'd get the chance to meet you.


[action] thenameoflove October 24 2010, 01:05:58 UTC
[Yubel is a little hesitant, more because she's not much for personal contact with anyone who isn't Juudai, but she extends her own hand takes it.]

I can't say it was something I ever expected myself.


[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 01:15:23 UTC
[Juudai smiles, fully appreciating that Yubel is not being too distant, and that Asuka is being friendly as well.]

Haha, thanks. You were out here training, right? Sounds like you have your hands a little full.


[action] primaduelerina October 24 2010, 01:27:18 UTC
[ she gives Yubel a nod, then turns to Juudai. ] It's been harder, so I can't complain. Ghost-types just seem to be naturally mischievous.


[action] thenameoflove October 24 2010, 01:35:03 UTC
[Yubel smiles a touch at that. Her own Duskull, Trouble, still likes to play games. When she lets him. Which isn't often. Yubel can be tough on her Pokemon.]

They need discipline.


[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 01:51:39 UTC
Maybe... Asuka definitely means business when she wants to, though, hehe. So I'm not sure if it's discipline that's the problem.

Puff, my Drifblim, can be silly sometimes, but not malicious or anything. He's pretty cool about playing tricks on others like that. Not to say he wouldn't ever do it, though... I have more problems with Thrasher than I do with Puff, actually.


[action] primaduelerina October 24 2010, 02:11:55 UTC
They do need it, though.

... But your Gyarados?


[action] thenameoflove October 24 2010, 02:41:10 UTC
[Yubel just watches; she's not the best person for conversation anyway and she enjoys just watching Juudai too.]


[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 03:00:45 UTC
Yeah... they can be hard to handle even normally or when they have a gentle personality, but when they're really feisty, they're ever harder to tame. I think he and I have some kind of respect for each other going, but sometimes he's a little stubborn. A lot more difficult to deal with than Puff usually is.

[He smiles at Yubel briefly, then puts a hand on her shoulder and grins at Asuka.] Yubel's Duskull can be just as much of a pain sometimes, too. Maybe even worse than Thrasher.

...Hopefully they don't become even more trouble as they get more powerful, though.


[action] primaduelerina October 24 2010, 03:27:33 UTC
So long as you train them as best as you can early on, it might be easy.


[action] thenameoflove October 24 2010, 03:45:36 UTC
Trouble enjoys living up to his name more than anyone that I know of. But he behaves himself...most of the time. When I'm watching him.


[action] vagabondfool October 24 2010, 03:55:56 UTC
It's easier to do it when you do it from early on, definitely... habits get ingrained more quickly, stuff like that. That's why I think I can get Thrasher under control most of the time when I need to.

Duskulls seem to be especially mischievous for being so quiet most of the time, though, huh?


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