The Player
User Name/Nick: Megan
User LJ:
sanestlunaticAIM/IM: retconofrassilon
E-mail: sanestlunatic(at)
Other Characters: n/a
The Character
Character Name: Donna Noble
Character Journal:
primadonnanobleCanon: Doctor Who
Age: 37
From When?: Journey's End - When everybody else is leaving the TARDIS, Donna hangs back for just a second, barely long enough to end up shut inside.
Abilities/Powers: Being a supertemp.
Power Limitations: Tragic lack of office supplies.
Inventory Brown leather jacket, greyish-lavenderish shirt over a purple camisole, jeans, brown boots. In the pockets of her jacket: mobile phone, one lipstick (half-used), three crumpled tissues, a rock with some sparkly purple crystals (from some planet or another), a peppermint bullseye, seventy-three pence in assorted coins.
Personality: Donna would describe herself as a completely ordinary, boring sort of person - which is, of course, completely wrong. She's restless, spending most of her adult life drifting aimlessly, never quite knowing what to do or how to fit in. She's been looking for a purpose ever since the Doctor showed her that there was so much more to the universe than she ever thought - possibly even before that, though she's never quite realised it. Travelling with him is the first thing that's really felt right to her, like she's doing what she was meant to do, and she desperately wants to keep doing it forever - though part of her knows that she can't, and that scares her, because she doesn't know what she'll do afterwards. But she's human, and the Doctor's…not, and that means she'll run out of time eventually - long before he does.
Maybe she doesn't have book smarts (judging by her marks in school, anyway), but she has street smarts and loads of common sense (more than enough to balance the Doctor out). And, to be honest, she hasn't proven to be exceptionally dull in the traditional sense, either - during her journeys, for example, she manages to analyse a numerical pattern just by her experience temping in a library. She has a rather sharp wit (and an equally sharp tongue), and she's keenly observant when it comes to judging others. (She certainly manages to see through the Doctor most of the time, anyway.) Donna also has an exceptional memory - once used to memorise pointless pop culture trivia, but she's also managed to store away all sorts of other completely random knowledge over the years.
She's a stereotypical ginger - brash and stubborn and never afraid to express her opinion or tell someone they're wrong, even if it means that she can be somewhat lacking in tact.. In spite of her seeming belligerence, though, she's still exceptionally warm-hearted, caring, and fiercely protective of her friends and family - and, for that matter, people she's only just met. She'll do anything she can to help people, even if it leads to quite possibly dying in a volcanic explosion - or running out in front of a truck to deliberately cause an accident in order to save the world in the future.
And, though she'll never admit it - though she's barely even aware of it most of the time - there's just a bit of uncertainty, where she thinks that she's utterly insignificant in the scheme of things, that nothing she does matters. All those people telling her that she's daft or that she'll never amount to anything hurt her more than she ever let on - all of her mum's harping on about getting a job and raising a family, somehow never being good enough for any of her boyfriends, minor mishaps at her jobs that led to being fired. Sometimes, it seems like nothing in her life has ever gone right - not till she met the Doctor, anyway (…well, the second time around, not so much the first).
History: Donna was born to a middle-class couple in Chiswick, a borough of London, and didn't do much for the first several years of her life (which, for most people, is fairly standard). She went to school (and bit a boy on her first day for making fun of her dress), did the awkward teenager thing (a la stereotypical late 80s rebellious punk), went to a training school to learn secretarial skills, and started temping.
...Which was pretty much all she did for the next fifteen years. While her mates all grew up, got married, and had kids, Donna remained single - she could never find the right bloke. She just kept drifting from job to job, from boyfriend to boyfriend - until she took a job at H.C. Clements and met Lance. After setting her cap for him, she promptly spent the next six months persuading him to tie the knot; they set the date for Christmas.
And as Donna was walking down the aisle, she was transported to a wooden telephone box drifting through time and space. (As it turned out, Lance had been spiking her coffee with artron energy in order to provide food for a giant spider's babies, to make a long story short.) There, she met the Doctor, and was thoroughly unimpressed by the skinny Martian bloke. She demanded that he take her back to her wedding, and he tried to - except then she was abducted by a robot Santa and he had to stage a daring rescue on the motorway. Sometime thereafter, Lance's true motives were revealed and *he* became spider food, Donna and the Doctor saved the day and drained the Thames, and Donna received an offer to go travelling, which she declined.
Of course, she wound up regretting this decision, and she promptly spent the next year looking for the Doctor - and, against all reasonable odds, actually found him. (Well, actually, their meeting was a little preordained by a crazy Dalek, so technically, it wasn't that coincidental.) They saved both the people of Earth *and* a colony of baby Adipose, and then they went off to journey through time and space.
Except there was a dark destiny stalking them throughout their travels, from Pompeii to Messaline to the Library. During Donna's visit to a fortune-teller, a giant bug latched onto her back, and everything *changed*. She went back in time and witnessed the importance of her decision to take the job at H.C. Clements, was shown what would have happened if she hadn't, down to most of England becoming a nuclear wasteland. Throughout this, she kept encountering a mysterious blonde woman who talked about universes drawing closer. In the end, Donna had to kill herself in order to cause a traffic jam so her past self would turn left. (No, I don't really understand this logic, either.)
She was jerked back to the present in her timeline, where she delivered a warning from Rose to the Doctor. But it was too late - by the time they made it back to Earth, the entire planet had disappeared. As it turned out, it had been moved by the Daleks to make a reality bomb that would destroy all of reality (one of twenty-seven planets needed). While the Doctor and Donna went in search of their stray planet, several of the Doctor's companions started setting their own plans in action to save the planet themselves. They joined together with Harriet Jones (former Prime Minister) to send out a signal that would reach through the dimensions and find the Doctor in his TARDIS.
It worked, they came back, the Doctor and Rose were running towards each other like they were in a sunny field filled with flowers - and then a Dalek shot the Doctor. Whoops. Jack, Rose, and Donna took him back to the TARDIS, where he nearly started to regenerate, but instead, used the regenerative energy to heal himself, then directed the rest of it into his spare hand (the one the Sycorax had cut off when he regenerated and that Jack somehow managed to find and turn into a "Doctor-detector", which the Master used to program his laser screwdriver with the Doctor's genetic material in order to age him - it's like the Plot Device of Rassilon).
Anyway, all the companions ended up on the Dalek Crucible, big surprise, and were captured, more surprise, Everybody, that is, except for Donna, who held back for just one moment…
First Person Sample: [Donna's hands are firmly planted on her hips, and she's glowering at nobody in particular - not yet, anyway] All right, I'll thank anybody who's around to tell me just what's going on here, ta. I was a bit busy just then, you know, what with the bloody Daleks kidnapping the Earth and people crossing dimensions and all. [she pauses for a moment to take a look around] How'd I end up in the middle of nowhere, anyway? I was just in the TARDIS - oh, god, it's not that- whatsitcalled - artron energy again, is it? This place looks like it'd be infested with giant spiders - maybe not the particularly evil kidnapping sort, but still the kind that would probably like to eat me as a snack.
[her voice is suddenly tinged with a bit of concern] Doctor? Are you around here somewhere? If you've gone off and left me on my own, I swear, I'll-
Prose Sample: