I'm Siiiinkiiiing!!!

Feb 17, 2005 21:21

Actually, not really. My drawn out exclamation was in reference to this giant puddle of water underneath my computer chair. Apparently, my floor leaks down here, so I need to gracefully maneuver my way to my place at the computer by employing croc-hunter worthy qucksand-advoidance techniques. Every time I put my feet down near my chair, I'm jarringly reminded by a sopping wet, cold, mysteriously discolored carpet. Oy- and the water just keeps on coming- the pool grows a little every day and I'm waiting for the night when it'll short-circuit my computer, and consequentially bring about the death of my LJ. That will be a sad day indeed. Let's hope this flood recedes before that happens. Until then, though, you'll still have to endure my meandering, but pulchritudinous posts.

In retrospect, I had a pretty damn good day today. As soon as I got in, Ally gave me the Starbucks Venti vanilla latté that she'd generously picked up for me... I think that it's officially now my Starbucks-hot-morning-drink. Yum. Yay Ally! What really made my day was English (damn I love that class- sophomores: TAKE IT!!! IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!). Well, we got our papers back and I was excited because I love getting papers back in that class- it makes my GPA smile. So, anyway, I knew that I was either going to do really well or really badly because I had finished it (as usual) three periods before it was due. I don't think I've ever been this happy at getting a paper back. I got (get ready) an A+++++++. Yes. Count 'em. SEVEN PLUSES BABY! (Please let me justify this by noting that this is my journal and you know what? I feel like tooting my own horn for a bit. Ok? TOOT TOOT TOOTY TOOT TOOT.) And Mrs.Mandel left all of these, frankly, immensely flattering comments on it too- my favorite was "Aileen, you are the queen of alliteration." *Sigh* Alliteration- how I love thee. So, yeah. I think it's the highest grade I've ever gotten and that makes me pretty damn happy. It was a bit weird though. I never know what to do when stuff like that happens, because I don't want to ask what people got and be the person that's like, "You got a A-? Well, I got...." You know? That person sucks. Nobody likes that person. So, I sat there in the circle in class and quietly glowed, almost bursting. Nobody asked what I got, and I told nobody, even though, admittedly, I really wanted to.

I'm sorry guys. I just needed to get that out- I needed to tell somebody (that wasn't my parents) and I figured it would be best to do it to someone who could simply scroll down and be rid of me.

In other news, I made a friend today! I love meeting new people. Well, Joey, Paul, Em, Azure, Susanna and I (if forgot anybody I'm terribly sorry) were in GSA today and they were talking about the "Who Will Buy" solo auditions. They were talking about this one girl who was really good (OOOHH Shit I forgot her name!!! AHH!! Oy- I suck at names) and I had no idea who they were talking about. Eventually they helped me put a face that I'd occasionally seen at ensemble rehearsals to the name. (Melissa? Hmmm maybe.) So just as we were walking out, she was walking down the hallway and they pointed her out to me. Of course, I had to explain to her that I had had no idea as to who she was like five minutes prior to our encounter, and she laughed it off and seemed really cool. (Note: she is the second freshman of whom I've learnt their name and proceeded to become a fan, the first being Saed (Sp?) Damn I suck at these names) Ok, so after I got to rehearsal and realized that, as usual, "Food Glorious Food" was going absolutely NOWHERE, I went for a little walk to find people to hang out with. I’m walking through the hallway by the maresca towards the Auditorium when I hear a distant, operatic “Aileeeeeeeeen!” Swishing around, I see Paul, Melissa (?), and company advancing down the hall towards me. Feeling especially vampy in my Paris Stilettos, I begin to haute-couture strut my way towards them. Paul follows suit and we met in the middle with an appropriately haute-couture pose. Fabulous. From then on, Paul, Melissa (?) and I acted like clinically insane theatre freaks for about an hour. Wicked was belted, I repeatedly ended up on the floor entwined with Paul (How? No idea.), and I hailed a passing limo (if you can hail a taxi, why not a limo?). So, moral of the story: Melissa (I need a double check on the name) is really cool and note to self: show up for rehearsal an hour late.

All right, I better get me to my newspaper article and I feel like I have something else to do tonight… If anybody knows what it is, let me know, ok?
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