Dec 16, 2007 16:09
Apparently I have to be careful who I talk to or they'll start rumors. The good news is, I make a convincing straight guy so hopefully they'll just stay rumors.
And the second highlight of the day yesterday?
Someone stabbed his roommate. Pretty badly. It was epic. Anyways, it was one of those "bad ideas when you're drunk- playing russian roulette with a knife on your sleeping roommate's arm", and of course the Officer of the Day had to come by, we ended up following a blood trail around to figure out what happened, lol. I managed to lure the OOD away before interrogating the young Marines for 2 hours to figure out what to do. In the end we managed to patch it up like ghetto, hopefully he'll leave the bandages on, they won't get infected and nobody'll be the wiser. I don't want him arrested O.O
Then they all hid in the restriction room with a Marine who was hiding his girlfriend all night so he could have sex with her O.O
Aaah, the times I live in.