(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 11:07

Have you ever...

1. Glued your fingers together? I swear it was intentional!!!!
2. Kissed a friend? Yes
3. Kissed a brother/sister's friend? Yes
4. Cheated on a test? Yes
5. Cheated on your homework? Is that possible?
6. Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? No
7. Back-stabbed a friend? If I did, it wasnt over anything very serious
8. Told people someone's deep, dark secret? I dont think so
9. Looked up something on the Internet you shouldn't have? Why shouldnt I look someone up?!?!
10. Lied to your parents/a boss? Yes
11. Lied to a friend? Yes
12. Lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse? Yes
13. Lied to get money? Umm, not sure about this one - possibly though
14. Lied to get out of doing something? Yes
15. Lied to make yourself sound better? Yes
16. Spread gossip? Maybe unintentionally
17. Made up a false rumor to get back at someone? No
18. Stolen money? Yes
19. Stolen anything else? does 5cent candy count?
20. Talked about a "friend" behind their back? Yes
21. Talked about a family member behind their back? Yes
22. Talked about an enemy behind their back? Yes
23. Gotten in a big fight for no real reason? Yes
24. Gotten in a big fight for a real reason? Yes
25. Tried to draw attention to yourself for profit? Does it count if it was for charity? even then i might not have, lol.
26. Tried to draw attention to someone's flaw? Yes
27. Started doing something because someone you like was doing it? Yes?
28. Stalked somone? hahaha, dont even go there
29. Posted a celebrity's picture on a wall/locker/roof? Yes
30. Had a mad celebrity crush on multiple celebs? Yes
31. Felt lustfully/lovingly about someone you've only met online? Yes
32. Been divorced? No
33. Done something bad because it was bad? Yes
34. Gotten your tongue stuck to anything? A popcicle
35. Laughed at a joke that wasn't funny? Yes
36. Let a friend harm themselves on purpose? NO!
37. Hurt yourself physically (on purpose)? Yes
38. Borrowed something and never gave it back? i just forgot and so did she.
39. Eaten something that wasn't yours? ALL the time, but its given to me
40. Taken a crazy dare? Yes
41. Taken any dare so you wouldn't be "chicken?" most likely
42. Gone streaking? Yes
43. Mooned/Flashed someone? Yes
44. Bullied someone? No
45. Pushed someone into a pool? Yes
46. Skipped school for fun? Yes
47. Made yourself cry so people would feel sorry for you? No
48. Said something you wish you hadn't? Yes
49. Kissed someone the day you met them? Yes
50. Wanted to kiss a stranger? Yes

Did you lie on this quiz? Yes
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