(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 03:38

I am so fucking lame. I just thought everyone out there should know.

This has been an interesting weekend where I have made a fucking fool of myself every second. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.

So, I'm drunk right now but that's ok. I need to go to bed but all I wanna do is eat crackers. I mean, that's not all I wanna do but you get it.

I really wanna go home for a couple days. Soon. Maybe this weekend. I just need a break from all this stuff that's running around my head. I'm sure my lameness will not improve but... I called my mom tonight and she called me back and left a message and I just wanted to cry when I heard her voice. I miss her so much.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Sometimes I'm fine and sometimes I'm just ridiculous. And most of the time I just want someone to understand me which is so fucking EMO! I don't want to be emo, who wants to be emo?

So I would like to take a couple days off but that's impossible. I hate putting myself out on a limb b/c it never comes back. What's there to lose? My dignity! Not that I ever had it but, you know.

Christ, it's time to end this. I'm going to bed and I am not going to call anyone. Done.

I'm lame. Accept it. I want someone to cuddle with me. =(
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