Jul 24, 2007 00:22
Why don't all of us who are done with HP 7 (and are in the country) meet up at S-Bux for some nice chatting?>?
I've seen all these posts about it and I too would very much like to talk to people about it.
I don't want to give anything away...but it was perfect.
I legit cried for a decent portion of it.
I grew up with Harry Potter. It seemed that all of his challenges and relationshops were somewhat connected to mine in a vague sort of way. Whenever I read the books I imagined myself in his place. I know it might seem a little arrogant to think of myself as the "Boy-Who-Lived" but how could I not? I know a lot of people waited for their letters to Hogwarts- I did this aswell...But throughout the series I couldn't help seeing my own characteristics in Harry. Or rather, I saw everything that I wanted to be in Harry's character.
I didn't just want to go to Hogwarts. I wanted to be Harry Potter.
And for a while I was.
However, I morned at the end of this book mostly because the series was over. There will be no new Harry Potter books. I don't believe I will ever step into Harry's shoes again. That is a difficult thing to think about. I can't really remember a time when I was not waiting for the next book or reading/re-reading Harry Potter...
I will miss you Mr. Potter.
The best of luck to you.