Jun 23, 2007 18:13
i vacated for a week-to NH for some WHOLE family fun. lots of cousins...all of them girls...
i'm the oldest. the next one is 14.
we have fun. but there's no one my age...except for this one girl...who, while quite beautiful, is not really one with whome i am going to hang out with. i mean she's nice...in a bitchy way....
so, it was kind of lonely and no matter how cute and fun the little cousins are...it eventually gets old and you need some down time...but that didn't really happen.
but now we're back.
i went on a long trek (i drove!) through the backroads of NH to find a store carrying the NEW WHITE STRIPES CD- Icky Thump. it took us 3 hours...
but i FOUND IT. and by-golly, its good. its quirky (that's how a friend described it) but i like it. some tracks are *PGH* (not bery good). but most are good.
ALSO- came home to the INSTAND KARMA cd in our mailbox. its verrry good too.
my mind has been occupied with many a thing lately. there were some sleepless nights in new hampSHIRE- my mind was still in danbury. i hope to rectify some situations today...well...one situation, really...still a little confused about what to do...but i'm going to play it by ear.
sometimes i think of things in a very "teen" way. sometimes i think of things in a "real" way. but even so. i still have trouble telling the two apart. what's the right thing to do? i think i know...but then everything changes on me.
enough VAGUE-nes.
let's get VOGUE.
p.s. can some cool people please come back/stay in danbury AND call me AND hang out with me, please?
i beg thee.