
Mar 15, 2005 20:14

my life has been boring lately. total snooze-ville. it has been very dayton-liscious, though. im happy cuz we're talking more in band. unfortunately for any "us" that could be in the future, we both have lives. so sometimes, we sacrafice resource for other commitments. that kid is president of EVERYTHING! student council, band council, ...u name it, he's in it! lol but its cool to like a scholar (i guessss...) but he also has a knack for flirting with other girls (or what i gues is flirting, he's a very subtle flirter, which makes it even HARDER to read him) but yeah despite all that, today was good. BUT I AM SO STRESSED! i have so much to think about and then there's choosing classes for next year. im pretty sure i'm getting my speech credit over with (and i'm going to Toronto with Mrs. Roehrich who is the Theatre teacher) so i'm prolly gonna do Theatre Arts 2 and Debate. I'm good at arguing..he he he. but then idk if im gonna take a language or not next year. i might just do band next year ( cuz of somebody...) and then take a language in the last 3 years of high school. or i'll do it the reverse way and take a language next year and just drop band all together. im not sure yet. AND IM NERVOUS! cuz grades start counting next year!! what if i fail???!!?!?!?! AHHHH!!! i gotta go. i love you all! COMMENTS ARE GOOD!
- Anna
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