Hello, you have reached Father Nicholas D. Wolfwood's voicemail. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just some confession you need to get off your chest, leave your message at the tone, and I'll get back to you, time permitting. May God be on your side, my friend.
CHARACTER NAME: Nicholas D. Wolfwood.
Backtagging: Yes!
Threadhopping: No!
Fourthwalling: Yes forever!
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Non-con is a no-go, as is anything that could be considered pedophilia. Otherwise, we're all good.
Hugging this character: Sure thing!
Kissing this character: Hey now, you sure you want to get that cozy with an old grouch like him? (Go for it.)
Flirting with this character: If he's not flirting with you first, he might be broken. Provided, of course, you're female. Dudes, feel free to flirt, I like making Nick squirm.
Fighting with this character: Um, yes plz.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): He's been shot, he's had his arms broken, he's been killed before, so really, there isn't anything you could do to him that he hasn't already had done to him before. Just get a hold of me on AIM first, okay?
Killing this character: No killy unless otherwise given permission.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure, hey, why not. Just get a hold of me on AIM and let me know to what extent.
Homestuck'd: Please no trolls. Please also no wonky fonts. I don't hate the muns, I just get sick of Homestuckness really, really quickly.
Warnings: Supper Happy Fun Wolfwood is not a nutritious part of this complete breakfast. He is moody. He smells like gunpowder, blood, and motorcycle oil, all with good reason. Chances are, the good father can drink you under the table. Chances are, if you piss him off, he'll find retribution. There's a good chance that he saw what you did there, and he's not happy about it. Do not taunt Super Happy Fun Wolfwood.
Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme! HMD:
Are you coming to tell me how my driving is? Awesome! Comments are screened, Anon is off , IP logging on (I like knowing how many anons I'm talking to, sorry bros), and your face is lovely. Did anyone ever tell you that? That you have a lovely face? Because y'do.
Things I'm rusty at that I'm working to improve:
- His Happy Happy Joy Joy side. He doesn't have much of one to begin with, but we all know Nicholas isn't all doom and gloom all the time.
- My fighting IC skills. Sure, I can have him talk a mean talk, but my fighting skills aren't up to snuff. Please let me know if we fight how I've done!
- His faltering faith. As a lapsed Catholic turned pretty much Universalist-leaning-toward-agnostic, I'll letcha know a lot of the random crap he's spewing comes out of personal experience. If I offend anyone, I'm so sorry! Let me know in comments, and I'll work on improving this side to him.