[02/26, 14:01] Pastor Jim: SO WTF GOEN DOWEN PRETSO!?
[02/26, 14:01] priest of b: O U KNO JES BIN A EL HARDO
[02/26, 14:01] priest of b: dude i had the most hilarious dream the other night
[02/26, 14:02] priest of b: and i must relate it to you as you were involved
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: me and craig and josh and you were playing renegade
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: and it was on under, right
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: we were in the game though
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: like we were going in with first way
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: wave
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: and everyone in the world that we hated was on nod
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: we were on GDI
[02/26, 14:03] priest of b: just us 4
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: the tunnels were like the Bunker in goldeneye though
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: it was cool
[02/26, 14:04] Pastor Jim: 11111
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: like they had the sliding doors on them and shit
[02/26, 14:04] Pastor Jim: thats the kind of world i want to be a part of
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: the ones that opened all slow
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: I know, it was awesome
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: i was so pissed when i woke up
[02/26, 14:04] Pastor Jim: 7
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: it gets better though
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: there's like 100 people on this other team
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: and more of them keep on joining
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: i had a railgun and a VAR
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: and craig had a gunner
[02/26, 14:04] priest of b: and josh was a technician
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: you were outside killing everyone at the front of the base
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: you were sniping people, but you could snipe the drivers like jarmen kell
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: so it was just a field of empty vehicls
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: and we mined the front of the base because c4 had no limit
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: so we just used like 600 mines, right
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: so no bitches were getting in there.
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: not with taskass on guard duty
[02/26, 14:05] Pastor Jim: haha
[02/26, 14:05] priest of b: so me and craig and josh were like well, there's only one way to do this
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and that's to go out the tunnel and slaughter everyone
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: so i go open the door
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and it slides open all slow
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and i see tens upon tens of faggots that i know there
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and that used to come into EB or that we all used to work with
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and i was like ARRRRRRRRRRRr
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: and i popped out there and cored like 6 of them with one shot
[02/26, 14:06] priest of b: lol
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: then i closed the door all sneaky like
[02/26, 14:07] Pastor Jim: 77777777
[02/26, 14:07] Pastor Jim: 111
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: and craig was like there's no way we can kill them all with our guns
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: we're almost out of ammo
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: and i said craig
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: this is not a problem
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: and then he goes WAIT WE HAVE C4
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: GIMME THE C4
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: he straps it to himself
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: and he goes I KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO
[02/26, 14:07] priest of b: and he runs out the door into the throng of fags
[02/26, 14:08] Pastor Jim: lol
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: i think he said he had some candy or something
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and then he blows himself up
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and kills almost all of them
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and me and josh were like fuck yeah
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and you called on the radio and were like what the fuck was that
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and i said craig started the jihad
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: and you were like oh
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: carry on
[02/26, 14:08] Pastor Jim: haha
[02/26, 14:08] Pastor Jim: thats a hardcore dream
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: then i got woken up
[02/26, 14:08] priest of b: yeah it was the shit
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: i don't think i have ever had a dream that cool
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: it was precipitated because me and craig and josh were all at craigs on friday night, watching craig beast on people in ren
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: while josh and i played tenchu
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: because i think we had ninja outfits like in tenchu
[02/26, 14:09] Pastor Jim: haha
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: i just loved craig's jihad
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: it was hilarious
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: josh had a similar one about goldeneye that night too, it was weird
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: he had vin diesel and me versus him in the bunker
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: like he was a special agent called there to fix the distress call
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: and me and vin diesel were apparently tearing shit up
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: and josh had planted a remote c4 in my bag of weapons somehow with a tracker on it
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: but i had vin diesel disarm it
[02/26, 14:09] priest of b: because he was a technician from renegade too
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: that's what the tech looks like without his helmet, fyi
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: vin diesel
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: i guess the LCG must be chuck norris
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: but then josh blew the building up, and he took this elevator up out of the building
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: and while he was trying to get a vehicle, the elevator goes back down again
[02/26, 14:10] priest of b: and he said vin diesel was like hiding on the ceiling of the elevator shaft
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: like wolverine or some shit
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: but vin diesel met the PVC rocket launcher josh had made
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: and he died
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: and josh said in the dream
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: there was a clear exclamation: "if vin diesel is here then that jew Jim is too! GRRRRRRR"
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: 1111111111111
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: and then we blew each other up with claymores i guess
[02/26, 14:11] priest of b: it was a pretty solid night for hardass dreams apparently
[02/26, 14:12] priest of b: i haven't told craig about his involvement yet
[02/26, 14:12] priest of b: i was saving it for a personal retelling
[02/26, 14:12] Pastor Jim: 1111
[02/26, 14:13] Pastor Jim: thats the shit
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: yeah i was pleased
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: i had another short one after i went back to sleep from my first one
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: where my mom had come into my room to wake me up after i got like 1 hour of sleep some day
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: and she just kept bugging the fuck out of me in this kiddy voice to help her out
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: so i said FUUUUUUCCCCCCCK
[02/26, 14:13] priest of b: and i flew out of bed and i elbowed her in the chest
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: and she doubled over
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: and i tripped her on the floor
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: and i put her in a rear-naked choke and broke her neck
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: it was like 1 minute of condensed hardo
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: it was some paul phoenix shit
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: i woke up from that one laughing my ass off
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: i was like that's not even real
[02/26, 14:14] Pastor Jim: haha
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: it was so awesome
[02/26, 14:14] priest of b: i hope it's my future
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: it almost happened this morning to her
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: she woke me up to put some fucking window film on
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: it's supposed to make the window all frosted so you can't see anything inside, right
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: well it failed
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: 111111111
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: i told her to go outside
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: and i put my wang up on it
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: 11111111111111111
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: and she was like OHMYGOD UR SICK
[02/26, 14:15] priest of b: and i said YOU CAN'T SEE IT CAN YOU
[02/26, 14:16] priest of b: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
[02/26, 14:16] Pastor Jim: 1111111