I'm fucking pissed

May 14, 2006 16:31

Well I need to start a new topic

as some of you know I also post all these on my myspace account and had a rather bitchy comment here at live journal and it is on the original post below as well as mt response and it reads like this

"If you haven't noticed, Dee Dee is just a tad bit petty and if she thinks that Fuck them is directed at her you won't see your name on another cast list. My sister told her that a play selection was poor and didn't see the footlights from the stage after her sophomore year. She does it alot. While you have some talent it isn't what she looks for - she wants accolytes. Wait until you do theater somewhere else and you'll see what I mean"

Well it's posted as annonomus and well I'm more than a little pissed off I adore dede and I think she is a wonderful director and a great person but that FUCK YOU was to people who are stupid enough to think that I would say that to this wonderful woman who has taught me so much about theater and the fact that someone would be so rude is just infuriating because if this person is gods gift to theater that I want no part of it because these condicending people are destroying the sacred art of stage work so as you can see I am very VERY not happy. and to point out the more insulting comments that my talent doesn't matter I wanted to stay at falmouth because it had the best atmosphere and the fact that this person is giving me SHIT about not going to another theater company because I like falmouth the best it tottal bullshit and I'm really very angry. and if this isn't rachel duddy who is incredibly talented and the only one to my knowlage to have done theater outside of falmouth, then I have no respect for you at all I am so hurt by this comment that implies that I am not an important member of the theatre company , and if this is rachel I have completely misjudged her but I know that she is a good person and would never say something so hurtful and cruel. HOw dare someone speak to me in sucha way as to minimize my importance in the company and yes may not LOVE being in the chorus but I LOVE doing theater and the fact that this moron dares to speak down to me is just insulting. Though this person admits that I have "some talent" they go on to say that i am not what shes looking for great what is she looking for huh I can sing and I can act what else does she want from me and yes i realize that to have a trult stunning career in any entertainment genre that need to be skiny and you know what if thaqt keeps me doing something i love I will go and get all the fat sucked out of me because what i look like doesn't matter to me as long as I can continue doing something I love and if my attitude or talent isn't good enough for a lead fine but I will continue doing theater intil I am buried 10 feet beneath the ground and I WILL NOT accept this tottal bullshit from anyone and if they want to see ho mad I really am the let them tell me who they are.

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