Sep 30, 2008 12:59
I haven't listened to this much Depeche Mode since I was in high school. I forgot how much I liked them.
I have this theory that Martin Gore sold his soul to some music demon so he could tap into mystical musical energies and enslave me and all the other PIBs of my generation (that's what they called us back in the day, before it was goth - People In Black). LOL.
I finished another book that B. (the queen of paranormal fiction recs) gave me, this one called Kitty and the Midnight Hour, about this werewolf girl named Kitty who has a midnight talk radio advice show for vampires and werewolves and that. There were some interesting forays into pack dynamics and politics among vampires, as well as a subplot about this crazy preacher who purported to cure the undead but was really holding them captive in this cult of personality, but it got dropped in favor of the basic girlpower plot.
Basically she starts out as totally submissive omega of the pack and then she GETS EMPOWERED OMG and now you know everything you need to know about this book.
I would have liked it better if the author had stuck to the pack dynamics and power plays among the vampires, and the crazy preacher. But hey, it's a trashy novel, so I guess I shouldn't expect a literary masterpiece. All in all it was some nice mental bubblegum.
And now I'm taking a break before I read B.'s next recommendation (which appears to be about this Native American chick who is a mechanic and also a not-quite-werewolf having something to do with NA mysticism) to listen to The Eugenics Wars on audio (read by the lovely ASH, naturally). I started it a while ago but then got sucked in by Harry Dresden. It has Gary Seven in it. :D
And now I need to drag my brain over to DocQscribe and get to WORK. My line counts have doubled since going on the new drugs, but the reports still don't edit themselves. :D