Kitty needs a hero.

Oct 02, 2011 15:30

Dear Animal Lovers,

There is a little kitten at my work that is
in need of a surgery on her hip so that she can walk without pain. She's
actually a stray that my co-worker found, but none of the no-kill
shelters will take her and even the shelters that boast about helping
injured animals  have turned us away. Right now, she can't jump and play
like a regular kitten and spends most of her time lying down. But she's
a sweetheart and she loves people. Someone heartless person must have
thrown her away because of her injury. But we won't. We're trying to
raise money for her surgery because no vets in the area will even offer
us a slight discount to save this stray.

So to all of you animal lovers, I implore you take a moment to check this link:

Even if you can't donate, if you could just share kitty's story in your
journal or on your Facebook or Twitter, we would greatly appreciate it.

We want this kitty to have the best life we can give her, but no one will
take her with a broken hip. Please help save kitty. She needs you to be a

Thank you all for taking a moment to read this.

<3 Luna

save, need, hope, donate, kittens, kitty

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