"Are you ready?"

Jun 02, 2008 14:41

Good news. Jake purchased plane tickets last night so I no longer have to choke him. He and Sam will be visiting from July 29th to August 6th, which I have already taken off from work. Now I just have to some how save up enough money that we can have a good time while they are here and still be able to pay my bills after taking eight days off from work. We'll see how that goes, yeah?

Also, I am mad at my school. I registered for class on midnight when registration opened. Their new "online registration" tool wasn't working then so I used the regular one. Because of that I didn't get to take one of the classes I needed. How fair is that? Its not and I'm going to request an override. Not only that, but I can't get to my internship class shell anymore. I still have two weeks of that left, thanks! Sometimes my school is retarded.

jake, uat, school, sam

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