Title: The Hardest Part
Fandom: SPN
Character(s)/Pairing: slight Castiel/Dean
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
spnforthesane's "Supernatural Thursday Contest" #01:
Put on your favourite song and write a drabble whilst the song is playing. Once the song is over you have to finish your drabble. You can edit/beta the drabble afterwards but don't add any extra to the story. Drabble takes place during the last Cas/Dean scene in S4 finale...
Behind the cut to save you from my bad writing...
The Hardest Part
They stood in Chuck’s home, the unlikely pair with the prophet. They shouldn’t have been though, because that wasn’t written in the story. Yet there they were getting Sam’s location from the confused prophet when the room began to fill with light and a loud thunderous sound.
“It’s the archangel,” Castiel warned in a yell. “I’ll hold him off! I’ll hold them all off!” He vowed as Dean’s eyes opened wide at his fierce declaration. He reached over to touch Dean’s forehead with his slender fingers. He stopped them right before they were connected skin to skin.
He gazed at Dean’s face, looked into his eyes, seeming to memorize the face of his charge… no his friend. They had been through a lot together and now here they were, defying Heaven and God’s angels. If this was the end he wanted to make sure his last moments would be filled of remembrance for him. For the person that made him feel emotions, to feel human, to understand love, devotion and loyalty, after being detached for hundreds, no thousands of years in a numb existence.
“Just stop Sam!” He stared into green eyes and he pressed his fingers to Dean’s forehead, feeling the warmth of their conjoined skin as the light grew brighter and the sound almost drowned out his voice.
“Cas…” He saw Dean’s mouth open and heard his name but what Dean said after that got lost in the sounds of the approaching archangel. His blue eyes never left Dean’s green ones as he teleported him to Sam.
He felt an ache in his chest when Dean vanished. He wanted to go with him, to be by his side, but he had to stay behind. He had to divert Heaven’s wrath from him, to buy him time and letting him go was the hardest part.
The End
Wow I wish it was better. XD I haven't written anything in almost 2 years though! I'm rusty! lol!