Mar 14, 2005 19:11
I'am not a violent person, but this month seems to have placed a target on my head for testorone prone men. I have almost been in 4 fist fights for no appartent reason other than I dissagreed with them. My boss at one of my jobs, a fellow employee at another on. A gas station attendant that I have know for ten years. The others are just random. I don't understand why, I just know thats its a start not the end and before its all over I hope I don't loose my temper because Iam telling you I'll need bail money. Its like spring is on the rag and everyone overfloweth with pms. My goddess candles blew up on my altar for no reason ( no they weren't mad it was just bleed off engery) Fred the cat rendered the new female cat on the block unconscious and shit on her for touching his food. (its alright if his other looser cat friends eat it but no her!) I even saw a snake clime an electrical pole and scale a line just to get a bird that was pissing him off. The white deer in st james park was stomping squirls for no apartent reason and almost gave me the middle hoof. The raven's in the area have been eating cardinals. In newburger alot of the springs have been pumping black water that smell like blood. I also heard from a priest friend of mine that said there have been reports of serpants crawling on jesus statues all over the world. I hope this particular alignment gets over with or just gets on with it because this omen shit is starting to piss me off. I also have to redo my certifications so all my weekends and part of this week will be dealing with that bull shit. But on a light good note I found some killer old books on egytian herbalism and assyrian and hindustani curses and counter curses that have come out in paperback. (He, He, He,) So thats that. Love satan.