Dec 17, 2004 17:37
No really, there's a holy cow right over there. Don't you see it?
Anyway it's time for an update I suppose. Christmas is getting closer. I've already gotten a present from both my parents and Deidra! Yeah it seems she couldn't keep her present to herself when we went to get it today. I still can't believe it but she actually got me a DS. That was a bit pricey on her part. But wow, I thank her a thousand fold. And many pleasurable nights will ensue.
Deidra finally beat her Oddworld game for Xbox, so now she's playing through it being evil and such. Speaking of evil, I just beat Knights of the Old Republic yesterday, on the darkside, and it wasn't half bad, despite the fact of multiple errors during gameplay, ESPECIALLY at the LAST FREAKING FIGHT, which kindof ruined a lot of things. I'm tempted to play through again on the lightside, but I dunno.. It might seem a little redundant.
Right now, I'm not really sure what I should play. Perhaps I should go out and buy a new game. Especially a DS game, if I can find that mario one. Other than that guys, I'm done for now. Have a happy christmas.
Random Quote(s):
Plays With Squirrels: "Lose one friend; Lose all friends; Lose yourself."