"Rocks Fall! Everyone Dies!"

Jul 22, 2007 13:40

From wiki.rpg.net:

A comment from the GM that basically means "Your actions have annoyed/disturbed me enough that I'm ending this game RIGHT NOW, and I don't particularly care what happens to your characters anymore!" Especially when a player springs a secret regarding their character(s) that wrecks the campaign and the GM should by rights have known about from the start. Usually followed by either the players making nice with the GM or the group going their separate ways.

No, this isn't Harry Potter-related. Well, it sort of is. If it is, though, I don't know because I'm only two chapters into the book.

I found the comic online where that quote came from, so I'm re-posting it here in my journal in case anyone was wondering about it.

rocks fall and everyone dies

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