(no subject)

Apr 17, 2009 21:04

It seems the majority of students have taken my previous words to heart. The standard of work in Wizarding Government has improved greatly on the whole, although there are still several students whose work requires a dramatic improvement. All senior students who received a failing mark on the latest homework assignment are to organise to meet with me at some point after class during the next week in order to discuss the possibility of necessary remedial work. You are well aware of who you are; I will not set appointments for you. You are senior students now, and capable of organising such things on your own. If I do not see you within this week however, detentions will be issued. My time is finite.

A reminder to all students: unless there are extenuating circumstances such as a serious illness or injury, homework is expected to be handed in on the set date. Detentions will be issued to those who fail to comply, and persistant offenders will have points taken in addition. The rules are the rules.

Rukia, it seems our meeting may have to be postponed. I find myself facing another engagement.

why am i surrounded by idiots?, 'cryptic' is not a language byakuya, super teacher, byakuya is a bitch, students, all fear the nobility

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