Nov 01, 2009 17:38

Well Gidday to you, Liberty city. It's your resident Kiwi John Paul launching yet another mad idea. "What?" You might ask yourself. "What the hell is he yakkin' about?"

Film reviews, mates. Why the hell not! I want to know what everyone in this town's been viewing. What's good? What's bad? Send it my way! You like a good horror flick? Sweet-as! Romance? Alright then! Indie? GREAT.

Go ahead and give me your best shot. Your grandest, your worst. Friends, Libertarians, random folk- Lend me your movies~ (Rather, simply post a title here and I'll check it out m'self. Wouldn't want anyone to be liable for property damage, etc.)

flight of the kiwi reviews, movies, liberty, flicks

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