When did my Scehdule get to be so bloody-

Oct 02, 2009 10:10

That is to say, 'oh my, there is so very much to be done, John, however will you manage?' Quite well, I should hope to think.

Seems I've got a questionable appointment with a questionable, according to Dewi doctor Braginski (When was that again? I forgot to write it down... fuckin' hell...). After that, might hit up a cafe or a bookstore, possibly even the museum for some research... Need to re-confirm a tour 'round the Chinatown area with Mister Yao. Valley Bloke's got some new heels in which I may be trying- with the hope that mum or the rellies never finds out, bless their souls and I do believe tonight is HORROR NIGHT. AHAHAHA~! Splendid. Splendid... Now, to begin budgeting The Sound of Music for m'bro... It's makin' me want to start filming again...

Wonder if I should try strikin' out in the telly business. Hmm...

I er, by the way... Whenever you're ready for that campin' trip, y'Aussie bastard. Just say the word and Bob's your uncle!

Other than all that I-
Oh! Right-o then, nearly forgot-! Arthur, mate! We've still not had that tea! Y'might be busy, understandably, but should you do have the time, do let me know, eh?
Had this shipped in from a co-worker who knew I'd a fondness for the stuff. Interesting type of Black, it is.



the hills are alive!, am i ill?, movies, horror night, flicks, rellies, that chinese fellow, valley bloke, it's logan fucking mortlock, dewiii~!, arthur, nice cuppa, eyebrows are everywhere, crickey this is fucking good tea!

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