A Beautiful Mind

May 19, 2011 23:24

So y'may have noticed I've been awol as of late, ducks n' drakes. Not to worry- Ol' John's home n' housed now, just been working on an alternate project for the Summer Film Fest since a few... well, since some of m'funding's fallen through. Stay tuned for that, eh? S'gunna be bonza. Limited budget doesn't mean limited quality in this bizzo. I mean, y'have to remember Mars Needs Moms- shut down a godawful number of studios and the cost for that bugger was fuckin' astronomical.

Emimi and First Mate Jared-
How do y'feel about.... movin' sometime soon? S'fine if y'want your own place but I was thinkin' if y'wanted to stick together, the bunch of us, I've got a dag in real estate who can point us in the direction of a coupla fine establishments.

What else, what else...


Tiny Danish Man. I'm thinking It's Time. You know what I mean. Gimme a call if y'see this.

Now what the fuck do you get your platonic spouse on his birthday?

And I'm itching for a good fight
actually, think I just need some physical contact
But Francis is gone...
ahh fuckit
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