[Blog] The Red Violin

Oct 08, 2010 17:25

'Time doesn't wait for no man' I've heard clever songsters say.  Last week, I took a dance with the devil- so to speak- and it left me with a busted up leg. M'eye- the one mum knocked up with a shuffle board puck back in January I think it was- is aggravated again. Bit blurrier than usual. M'right hand's all fucked. Good thing I've got some south-paw goin' for me otherwise...

Jared's mum's comin' round this weekend. Gotta be on my best behavior but progress on the film keeps getting interrupted and bloody hell, I just need someone to keep the interns in check! S'getting me all sorts of riled up!

More disappointed than anything I couldn't take Rajiv to- Well, that's life ain't it, though? Time doesn't letcha wait.

Gotta keep on your toes and make your own way. And hey, my fellow Kiwis back in Christchurch? God bless you, mates. You're made of tough stuff so those 'impending' earthquakes- I bet you'll get through 'um.

Jared? Think y'won't mind if I make a trip over to the Myrtle house for a spell? Just wanna help Arthur with a busted heater. Promise I won't get into anything! I'll be more well behaved than a choir boy at a Sunday mass~

Edit: My physical therapist is, in fact, a tosser.

i'm a good boy i swear, fuck, single kiwi likes to party, nothing is wrong at all, roomie, arthur, siblings are like daisies, shitshitshit, national priiiiide, mum!, show me the way to go home, what the hell is going on, jared's my bru, more things you didn't need to know, needs more victims, my main village man!, the russian and i

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