[Misc] Ficus Ficus in Your Pot, A Resting Place My Head is Not.

Oct 01, 2010 13:16

[Message on Emiliana DeLeon's cell from 'Unknown Caller']
Gidday? This is that sheila Iorangi's always yakkin' about yeah nah? What is this about my son bein' in the hospital? I'm expectin' a call back, Miss.

[Message on Jared Montour's cell from 'John's Mother']
JARED MONTOUR. WHAT IS ALL THIS CODS WALLOP ABOUT MY BOY BEING CROOK? IF HE AIN'T DEAD, YOU BETTER TELL THAT LITTLE LAMB OF MINE TO CALL HIS MUM OR I'LL FINISH THE JOB. Hope you've been well, love, you're such a dear. He's a great git at times and needs a bloke with sense to set 'im right~

[Message on Dewi's cell from 'Mahuika Key']
Gidday, Dewi, this'll be Mahuika. I expect this call will come as something of a surprise but I thought I should be informing you that your half bru's been takin' to the hospital- again- and I hope you may be kind enough to visit him in my stead. He's an idiot that could do well by takin' your maturity as an example. Ta~

[Message on Arthur's cell from 'Unknown Caller']
What in the bloody hell is this numb- Oh. It's you. Well never mind then, I have no intention of speaking to a bastard's son.

kiwi, am i ill?, mum!, holy hell, show me the way to go home, emiiii, fuck, rellies, jared's my bru, roomie, arthur, dewiii~!, flash fucking news, eyebrows are everywhere, needs more victims

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