[Private] He Ate My Heart

Sep 03, 2010 01:09

 What the hell do you mean 'rare sub-species of Tasmanian devil'? I know it's been a dream of yours to take one of those buggers down n' not lose a limb but...

Didja have to leave like that? I'dve followed you to the stars if you'd just woken me up instead of lettin' me sleep. But maybe that's why you did it, eh. Didn't want Little John fuckin' up and gettin' hurt right? It's like waking to a nightmare. The lucid dreaming's over. The mind fuck's just begun.

I...  came back from Peter's wedding and all I could think about was your ugly mug. Feels kinda like the world's lost some of its color. Lost one of m'lead actors (Thank God, I've still got Alfred) and the filming's going a bit slower than I'd like can't stop regretting. Everything.

I miss you mate. Hell, I even miss that homicidal drop bear, Biff.

Don't get yourself killed out there, aye? Don't....fucking forget me.


[Public entry]
Congratulations again, Peter. Raivis. Hope the gift comes in handy~

[email routed to Emi, Jared]
From: John Paul Key

It's likely I'll be gone when y'get this.
I... I've gotta wander. Get lost for a while. Jared, you and Emi and Loto can have free reign of the flat while I'm away. Make sure the kid eats his greens. Try not to let 'im stick his head in that ice box too much, he'll get himself sick.

Not sure when I'll be back. Don't worry too much, aye? Play nice, since I'm not there to referee ya. And ehh....Well. Shit. I love you guys.

[email routed to Alfred, et. al- film cast]
From: John Paul Key

Oi. Thanks for everything, mates. The hard work, the kind words. I'm takin' some time off to do a little restructuring so to speak. If you don't hear anything from me or see me around for the next coupla days, don't let it get to ya. This old kiwi'll be back before you know it. I'll check m'cell in case of emergencies. Filming will resume upon my return. Other than that-

Stay strong.

[ooc: slinking back into haitus but illness makes it hard to sleep and life can't keep me away forever, dammit.]

what the hell is going on, it's logan fucking mortlock, what kirkland curse?, i'm a fuckin manly man

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