I Spy With My Little Eye...

Jul 14, 2010 14:22

...Anyone ever get the feelin' we're all bein' watched? Like, really actually bein' watched. Almost as if there's a mad hatter of a bloke sittin' behind the curtains pullin' our strings? Think Wizard of Oz, mates, except it probably isn't an ornery old gent with SFX trainin'. Maybe even be a group of 'em, I'm open minded. Could be a pantheon of them, who knows? But really- do ya get that feeling?

It's... as though we're all- stay with me now- some sort of characters in a twisted communal storytelling venue.  I mean, how else do ya wanna explain the Charleston suddenly becomin' a castle or Warsaw gettin' a serious case of piracy? Or Jared breakin' out into song- all the time.

I'm interested in hearing your theories. Because this is... Ha, I don't even know where to begin.

[Locked to Logan]
So ah, still waitin' for those heels, aye?

am i ill?, confused in liberty, liberty, fuck, damn that's strange, what the hell is going on, nothing is wrong at all, roomie, flash fucking news, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, fuck you orwell

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