Dec 30, 2004 12:34
I guess someone couldn't handle having my message boards enabled. I guess they had to continue to be a dramatic little cunt like usual. People claim to HATE drama, and yet the second they get the chance to talk shit ONLINE, they jump for it. It's amazing. Amazing that people ( whoever it was ) claim to be an ADULT, and yet pull little 15-year-old bullshit over the internet. That's right, it gives you anonymity. Go for it, be unseen. Hide in the shadows like the bitch you are.
I was just starting to have faith in people again. *shakes head* I guess THAT was a fucking mistake.
By the way MELISSA, I know you lied. You claimed that you haven't read my diary because you haven't been online. Really? Then HOW did you talk to Felicia yesterday? How did you post on FTR yesterday? Magic powers? And you claim you don't lie.
I think what I'm going to do is follow in Felicia's footsteps and not have a LiveJournal or any other kind of online diary any more. She was absolutely right in saying that if someone wants to know what's going on with you, they should call or visit. Having an online diary just feeds into the bullshit. It allows people to continue to be immature and have an impact on your life. I'm trying to RID myself of negative energies. A lot of things in my life are changing, and I'm gaining new perspective on things.
So, for anyone who reads my journal PEACEFULLY and would like to know how I'm doing, my phone # is 784-7661. If you don't my email addy, and you want it, ask me.