
Dec 29, 2009 02:51

It seems like nothing gets my undivided attention more than military talk. "/ It's so annoying how enthralled I become over the subject. If I find out someone I know is in the military.. boy .. I get excited. & I would LOVE to be a military girlfriend.. that sounds weird-i know it does. but when your man is in the military.. you just appreciate his existence so much more! You're proud of him 1000% of every day. You hang on your phone's every ring. You're glued to the inbox or your e-mail.. just waiting, hoping, anticipating that one e-mail, that one phone call. That one moment you know he's ok. That one moment you know he was sitting down thinking of you. He's thousands or hundreds of miles away & he's thinking about you & you're thinking about him. ugh it's soooo beautifully romantic, and in my warped mind, no other love can compare. Sure a regular love is beautiful & when they can see each other each waking minute they're as lucky as can be. But they take each other for granted. I guess what I'm saying is... what I'm looking for.. what I want is... someone I can't live a single second without. I know that's how military couples feel about each other, especially since they're forced to be apart from their partners months and even years at a time. That's why I admire them so much. They stick through it. They hold a firm grip on the love they knew and they'll fight to the death before they let it go. ahh it's such a beautiful thing to love that way & not "just because". One day I hope I'm that fortunate. To find someone I truly want to fight for. Someone who makes every breath worth taking. To find someone who truly wants to fight for me. Someone who would fight to keep me. I know I run at the slightest turbulence... but I really want to find someone who brings me to solid ground. Someone to be the logic  to my emotion.

However, this new year is not about that. As much as I would love to find that person. I've ordained this year, 2010, to be about the progression of me. 2010 will be about bettering me, for myself, not for anyone else. It will be about not caring what anyone has to say. Doing what I feel is right and doing it for me. 2009 was all about dependency for me. In 2010 I want to find my own two-feet.
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