Oct 19, 2007 02:29
At 2:22 AM, I finished editing our research proposal. A few minor adjustments need to be made before it can be passed, but my part is over. I still have a neuro case report to be submitted, but my groupmate already promised to catch this one and I don't need to worry about it anymore.
It's official. I just completed a semester at the UP College of Medicine. It felt good saying that. This may be one of the easiest years I'm ever going to have in my entire medical education, but it still feels like I went through a wringer.
Med school distorts your sense of time and space.
As a med student, I was not aware of anything but what was within the college. On my way to school every morning, I would pass the newspaper vendor. Even if I saw the headlines on the papers he was selling, they wouldn't register. Whatever GMA was up to was less important than which recurrent laryngeal nerve looped about the aorta or what a positive Babinski sign looks like.
Time seemed to move quickly as you plodded through one exam to the next; there's always never enough time. But it feels so long ago when I first picked up my bone bag.
It just hit me how tired I am. I may have used the phrase "mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting" to describe something else I did in the past, but if I had known what med school was like, that statement would've been a complete and utter lie.
I'm so tired I can't even think of a decent ending to this entry.