(no subject)

Jul 24, 2007 13:06

hello journal,

- today i called in sick to work because if i didn't, i would have a mental breakdown! i've only had one day off since the 10th! it is not okay to work seven days in a row, have one day off, then work six days! i need a "weekend" plus i have room cleaning and academy stuff that must must must get done!

- despite the reunion tour, let's have some smashing pumpkins appreciation. all through the 90's and for most of the millenium, i did not pay them much attention but now, oh now i am seeing! they rule!

- i bought aeroplane tickets yesterday. i arrive late late thursday night and leave tuesday mid-afternoon. here's a list of to do and not to do:

- immaculate machine!!!!!!! 5 pin bowling, west edmonton mall bad, antique mall good, shanghai noodles, famous sandwiches from justin and lyndaisy's kitchen, family dinner? beach day, other fun things

- i want to bring my bike but i don't know, it's expensive and i need to save for samson

- last night everyone in my house learned how to do the madison. it was hard, but i do enjoy a good line-dance.

- ccsf starts mid august. so soon!

-the end. xo tara
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