Jul 17, 2011 14:22
It is always a good day when I can get out of the hideout without any trouble. I'm an important man. I've got business to attend to. I can't afford to waste hours on weird puzzle shit just because some asshole left his iron parked over the manhole cover.
But today I'm in the clear.
Or rather, today I'm in the dark and the rain, which is the way I like it. Wonderland looks best like this, all shades of gray laced with neon.
It's not a long walk to my place of business, a smoky little bar with a couple of billiards tables and a jazz quartet. I could loiter here for hours, earning easy scratch off any suckers dumb enough to bet against me.
Anyone wants me, they know where to find me. My job, for now, is to wait.
fuck yeah film noir,
lest you forget that he lives in a sewer,
not human tonight,
or any night for that matter,
this is my hardboiled face,
oh no he's monologuing