[090] [video/text]

Jul 11, 2010 23:32

[The video begins a little shakily, focusing on one of the crystal-like fragments that have been causing such trouble lately. Ed turns it over in his hand a few times, frowning thoughtfully at it. He opens his mouth to speak, but then stops -- there's a strange look on his face. Look at that, it's started playing something.

The fragment starts from around 7:40 of this video and continues to the end of it. Potential spoilers for anyone that hasn't seen the movie and is hoping to!]

A balloon? What the hell--?!

Why does the Colonel-- This can't be what that guy was...then what is it?

[There's a long, long pause.]



[He sounds like he's trying to find words to say something else, but he's also trying to figure out what in the everloving hell he's watching, because it's certainly not a memory. After a minute, he simply shuts the device off.]

[TEXT || Added a little while later:]

[Locked to Doctors]
... I can guess at what happened here, and if I'm right, it won't be hard to guess what I'm going to ask. I want to get that chip out, and I can pay you back for helping me do it.

If you don't know for sure where it is, I have some leads.

((ooc: anyone is free to see the fragment if they want, go ahead and wtf at him over it or anything xD tags might get a bit slow until after work tomorrow ;;))

doctor ain't there nothin i can take, lame tags are lame, but that coat is my trademark!!!1!!1!, goddammit rika and hanyuu, fucking hallucinogenic fragment things, equivalent exchange, movieverse shenanigans, fucking chip events, define "interesting", my brother is a cosplayer?!, fucking au, chip event, what is this i don't even, fucking want my chip out, give me my fucking alchemy

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