Jul 17, 2009 12:04
At least it's not dark anymore.
[Some rustling can be heard, and then a few 'thunk!'s and some general rustling]
But that broadcast yesterday... These things need to be plugged into a power source for them to work, so how the hell did they manage to do that? Again? And it hasn't worked since then, which makes me think--
[There's a grunt followed by another 'thunk!']
Hey, Al, could you hand me that--
[A pause]
Al? ...AL?!
grr arrg,
fucking discedo,
mister smartypants get,
ed angst: obviously the disco needs more,
he's gone,
son of a bitch,
emo commensing in 3...2...1...,
brother noooo,
fucking canon updates,
sob my canonmates,
weekend of suckitude: it begins,
emo forever and ever,
angst (ed's good at that)