“Dammit, Levi” Jax grumbled as he almost tripped over Levi’s backpack in the living room.
He questioned why the rest of his housemates let him stay here. He wasn’t as nice as Arie wanted him to be to the southern man.
They let him stay the night when Kari and Chris decided to kick him out for the night. Leaving him out in the cold until he came to ever so lovely home that Jax, Arie and Zach shared.
Thinking of, where was that bastard? He questioned to him self as he seen a empty -messy, but vacant- couch. He’s usually one to sleep in late.
He shook his head. It was Levi after all.
He kicked the bathroom door closed behind him. Yawning as he undid his zipper, doing his morning business.
“The fuck…” He wondered as he spotted something in the sink. Upon closer inspection, he figured out what the substance in the sink was.
“Arie! The hell, woman?” She heard Jax as he drew nearer to the woman relaxing with her laptop on the porch.
“What?” She asked as she took a sip of her coffee.
“If you’re gonna get your hair all nice, could you at least not burn it and leave it in the sink?” He asked, holding a clump of hair in his hand.
“One, my hair isn’t styled, as you can see” She rolled her eyes pointing to the messy pony tail it was in. “Two, I don’t burn it. Even if I did, I clean up after myself. Three, my hair isn’t dirty blonde, dip shit”
“Then who’s… LEVI!” He finally concluded.
“Wait… how did he burn his hair?” She questioned.
“It’s Levi. He could of gotten a hold of one of Kari’s high flame lighters for all we know” He rolled his eyes, throwing the hair away in the garbage outside.
“Oh, hi guys!” The fresh faced southern man greeted the two on the porch.
“Oh, don’t ‘Oh hi’ me” Jax said un-amused. “How the hell did you burn your hair in our bathroom and why the fuck didn’t you clean it up?”
“I wanted to try something new with my hair. Maybe this time Kari will actually think I look good, even though she secretly wants me anyway” He winked, petting his smooth hair. “She is one to go for men with stylish hair”
“You’ve got the admit, it does look nice” Arie nodded.
“Uhh, how did you ‘do something new’”? Jax raised an eyebrow.
“Hair straightener and lots of sprays” Levi answered with a slight confused tone in his voice at the end.
“Which ones?” Arie wondered.
“One had a kangaroo on it and the other had a biker on it”
“Okay, he used my Aussie stuff, but I don’t own anything with a biker on it”
“I am going to strangle him soon” Jax shook his head in his hand “He used my fucking cologne!”
“I was wondering why it smelled so strong. You could kill a cockroach with that” Levi laughed making a face.
“What are you laughing about? It was your straightener” Jax pouted.
“If it’s broken, I can get another one. But you’re pulling a fit over cologne? Which is cheaper than my salon brand straightener” She shook her head.
“Hey, I got that stuff specially made and imported!” He pointed to her with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay. Okay!” She held her hand up in defeat, not wanting to debate further.
“Oh, and you may want to toss out your razor” Levi said looking at Jax.
“Why?” He glared back.
“I, Uhh… Let’s just say that the jungle was growing thick and it needed a lot of trimming”
“OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! YOU’RE SO DEAD!” Jax jumped off the porch chasing after him. Arie stayed on the porch laughing as she typed up what just happened to one of her friends.
“What’s going on out here?” Zach came out onto the porch, wondering what the noises were about.
“The biker is about the kill the hick. Makes for a nice movie moment.” Arie scooted over, beckoning Zach to sit. She explained what just happened to him.
“Damn, I can see why… and there goes the hose” Zach squinted as he seen Jax trying to choke Levi.
“You’d think for a hick he would know how to fight better, ya know” They both laughed, watching the two wrestle in the front yard.